Orientation spirometry examination not only for breathing problems

Spirometry measures the volume of inhaled and exhaled air as a function of time. The measured values then allow the doctor to roughly assess any lung disease and its severity. Think of the spirometer as your doctor's detective partner. This special device can detect various respiratory disorders that may be caused by adverse working conditions, genetic predispositions or harmful habits, such as smoking.
Why is spirometry so important? It is performed on patients who do not experience any difficulties (as part of the so-called screening), but especially on those who suffer from respiratory problems. These problems include shortness of breath, chronic cough, chest pain or asthma. Spirometry can effectively distinguish two main types of lung diseases: restrictive and obstructive disorders. A restrictive disorder is a disease in which lung development is impaired, for example as a result of pulmonary fibrosis or reduced compliance of the chest. Obstructive disorder means a narrowing of the airways, often due to chronic inflammation of the bronchi or asthma.
Imagine that you enter the office of the AGEL polyclinic. The doctor will greet you with a smile and explain how the examination will proceed. After a few regular inhalations and exhalations, it will ask you to take a maximum inhalation followed by a maximum exhalation. Within seconds, the data is recorded in the spirometer and your doctor can assess your results. This simple process can significantly contribute to the early detection of serious respiratory diseases.
There is no need to worry about children or pregnant women either. Spirometry is safe and the results are assessed with respect to individual factors such as age, gender, height, weight and lifestyle. For example, a professional athlete will have a different tidal volume than a sedentary patient.
In addition, the AGEL Plus program ensures that you have access to individualized healthcare. At AGEL polyclinics, you can rely on experts who will provide you with tailor-made care. A spirometry examination is therefore one of many steps to take better care of your health and prevent potential complications.
If you suffer from any of the above-mentioned symptoms or just want to be sure that your lungs are working properly, do not hesitate to join the AGEL Plus program, which also includes an orientation spirometry examination at one of the AGEL polyclinics. Prevention is the key to long-term health and well-being. Come and see for yourself how AGEL Plus premium healthcare can help you breathe better and live a more fulfilling life.
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