Investing in health is 100% worthwhile, says the head doctor of the AGEL outpatient clinic in Prague.

You can make full use of AGEL Plus private care at our AGEL outpatient clinics in Prague, Olomouc and Ostrava. “Our aim is to provide all necessary care in the most efficient time frame. We pay close attention to prevention because early diagnosis is the best thing a person can do for their health,” explains MUDr. Martin Pavelka, the chief doctor at the AGEL outpatient clinic in Prague.
People who want to take extra care of their health can use our year-round programmes or choose from a range of one-off health checks. “If you purchase AGEL Plus premium care, you can choose from three medical programmes with different ranges of services. However, they all ensure a comprehensive overview of the patient’s health,” adds MUDr. Martin Pavelka.
AGEL Plus private care is offered in three year-round programmes offering a different selection of services in line with clients’ budgets. Each of them provides a superior level of preventative care including the possibility to deal promptly with any problems that are detected and full examination of the body.
Try our:
Enhanced preventative health checks Year-round healthcare
Or contact us, for more information.