
Did you know that specialized blood test helps detecting the risk of prostate cancer? We offer this examination to all men over 45 years of age free of charge until November 30 at polyclinics in Prague, Ostrava, Pilsen and Olomouc. You will receive the result within two working days.
Did you know that we offer specialized urological prevention and support for men as part of our premium health care program AGEL Plus through our clinics in Prague, Ostrava, Pilsen and Olomouc? For instance, in the annual Platinum+ program, we perform preventive examinations, including a specialized ultrasound, focused on the urinary tract, prostate and sexual dysfunction. This premium health care package also includes, for example, a preventive check-up, a doctor on the phone 24/7, a comprehensive health check-up and much more.
Further information on #Movember event and a list of all participating workplaces can be found here: https://www.agellab.cz/novinky/241021-movember-24
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